The Treasurer's email address:
Wimbledon Community Chorus is extremely grateful for any donations offered to support its work. Donated funds will be used for a variety of purposes including, but not necessarily restricted to: new sheet music, printed items bearing the name ‘Wimbledon Community Chorus’, participation in events that might otherwise not be accessible to us and extra practice sessions for events.
We aim to be self-sufficient for standard rehearsal costs; donations will provide much-needed assistance to enable a greater range of music and events to be considered. Please donate using the button below or make a direct transfer to Lloyds Bank PLC 77-30-13 85878968, Wimbledon Community Chorus.
Please send an email to The Treasurer giving details of any donation given or planned. We would like to say thank you, so it is important to have details of any funding received! We will also acknowledge all donors in our programmes, unless you ask us not to.